[Day 4] Daniel 1 and 12
Daniel 1 describes how Daniel came into servitude of the king of Babylon at the time, Nebuchadnezzar. He was of Israeli royalty from the tribe of Judah, and apparently good looking and smart:
1.3 Then the king ordered Ashpenaz, chief of his court officials, to bring in some of the Israelites from the royal family and the nobility-
1.4 young men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king's palace. He was to teach them the language and literature of the Babylonians.
The king also allocates a portion of the food from his own table to Daniel and his 3 buddies, but they refuse to eat it, instead asking for vegetables and water. This freaks the chief official out, because if Daniel and his friends look any less healthier, and the king finds out, he's dead. But Daniel insists that they'll be fine and asks the official to test them out for 10 days on veg and water, and it turns out they appear fairer and fleshier than all the other guys who are still feeding off the king's table.
This is significant, firstly as a sign of independence from the luxuries and produce of this kingdom, choosing instead to live off what is readily available throughout the land. Secondly, as a sign of protest, to say that they are not of this kingdom and are not going to be bound by the rules of that kingdom, despite the fact that they are exiles who have been captured. Daniel shows strength of character and integrity in choosing to remain upright in the face of all this, in resolving not to defile himself with the royal food and wine [1.8].
Scripture goes on to say that Daniel and friends are gifted with incredible knowledge and understanding of literature and scholarly things by God, and Daniel can understand dreams and visions [1.17]. I reckon that's pretty useful. This pretty much reflects what Solomon writes in Proverbs 2.7;
.7 He stores up sound wisdom for the upright and is a shield to those who walk in integrity-
In fact the king finds that Daniel and his friends are unrivaled in matters concerning wisdom and understanding in all the land, securing a fair bit of the king's trust I'd imagine.
Daniel 12 describes a vision that Daniel has about a future time. The vision is very cryptic and even Daniel, who in verse 1.17 was said to be able to understand visions and dreams of every kind, doesn't quite follow!
I think its clear that v12.2 talks about the resurrection. What worries me how it talks about 2 distinct groups, one awakening to everlasting life, the other to shame and everlasting contempt... which group will I find myself in? It goes on to say that the wise will shine, the ones who lead many to righteousness like the stars.
Another thing that I should note is that Daniel 12 takes place around a river, the Tigris. When I think of river imagery, I'm reminded of Ezekiel 47, which talks about a massive river that flows to the Dead Sea, that will fill it with life.
Finally in verse 12.9, it talks about how the wicked will not understand. Proverbs describes the wicked, as the foolish, morally deficient people who insist on ignoring wisdom, the ones who do not fear the Lord.
In light of these 2 chapters, I think we could all stand to gain from understanding "understanding" and "wisdom".
Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. [Proverbs 1.7]