Mabul Island
Last night josh tells me "chris! daniel's on a bus to tawau now, i have to pick him up at 5AM!"
so i tell me dad. "hey, daniel's on a bus to tawau right now... i wish i could've gone." (cause i've been naggin about it before the exams.)
this morning, my mom wakes me up and goes, "chris, you wanna go tawau?"
chris: "maybe... i mean i've only been asking for a bout a month now."
and so i took an air asia flight, got there at 10 ish, rode like a bus out of hell down to sempurna with that insane bus driver and took a boat down to mabul in time to surprise cheekoh and josh and join them for lunch.
and cheekoh and i jumped off our room balcony into the water and swam all the way to the jeti and got up. hehe. fun. went snorkelling, you know, the usual stuff. saw freaky deaky long fishies with long pointy noses and a huge super massive school of fish that kinda floats around and then splits when you go near, like when moses took those buggers accross the jordan and stuff. and then they start swirling around you, its so freakin cool. I'm having such a good time here. and i'll be here for a few more days maybe back on friday. so i won't be reachable for a while, cause digi has no coverage here. goin to play on some other random island tomorrow, maybe go kayaking. see you guys.
PS. shit, the food is good.
PPS. and i'm even more sunburnt, like friggin red. like baaaaad.