

Pouring: my adoration of the Creator
Father above my world, above my understanding, above my all, you are holy. You were at the beginning, and you are the same all the way through, complete and whole. No entity has seen the beginning of Your work, no one advised You. God with no equal in wisdom and in love, holy is Your name.

Reaching: my adherence to Jesus' way
Extend Your Kingdom, and let me proclaim its arrival! Fulfil Your purpose for the earth, just as You have imagined. Let me hold on to Your ways and bridge the gap between the present reality of my world, and the fullness of Your Glory revealed in Christ. The tension of what is, and the tension of what could be, what will be, already demonstrated by the Saviour King who laid down His life.

Asking: my co-operation with the Spirit's leading
So give me the necessary tools to participate in Your work; enough for today, with no worry of the past, and confidence for tomorrow's portion. Set on me Your Holy Guide as I set my hands to the task that You've called me to. Fill me with dreams and visions of the immensity of Your grand project, and the role I am to play. But where I have stuffed up, where I fall short of expectations, forgive me please. As I am forgiven for the massive chasm between who I am and who Christ is, instil in me that kind of depth of forgiveness for those who offend me and fall short of my selfish expectations.

Yielding: the consecration of my world
With all I have been given, my skills, possessions, I did nothing to merit them, and yet I have been given this much to steward over; they are Yours. With every piece of land that I set foot on, as a representative of Your Kingdom, let meaning and life be injected in once again, for they are Yours.

For Yours is the Kingdom, the power, the glory forever. Amen.

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