
Any Given Thursday

God answers all prayers.

Sometimes the answer is no.

Thank God.


New song in the works, smells like progress, after what seemed like a dry spell of false riffs and un-flow-etic lyrics.

John Mayer is a clever chap. Great musicality.


It's been a good week. I know I've dropped off the blogosphere radar for about a month, yes, mum was here. Uni's been really hardcore, and I'm just really thankful for the space I took for granted. It takes living with 2 other people in this tiny apartment for a month for me to really appreciate the stillness and the peace upon this humble abode. No more voices, no more TV (I really hate that box), just no more noise. I feel I'm finally home again.


I really wanted to write... but then I suddenly stopped feeling chatty. :/

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