
Nice and easy

Ok, I'm gonna make a start.

There's a huge gap from where I last left off, and I have no intention of filling that in. In detail.

So uhm, holiday, fun, sun, back to uni, omg, omg, uni, and then easter break, easter camp (rocked) and then uni started again, and then Jason Mraz.

I'll start there. Jason Mraz was amazing. He's come a long way, and you can see the experience in his staging. And yes that opera bit was totally wtf, I was just blown away. Good stuff.

Moving on. Had heaps of tests. Now I don't. WOOO.

None for the rest of the week that is.

I drew on Coraline, my acoustic guitar. Check it out:

Tried to get a rough idea of what to draw. I intended to do a couple of sketches and pick the best one, but it was massively time-consuming, so I just stuck with the first thing I drew.

Coraline before.

Coraline after.

- edit: I was inspired to draw on my guitar because... Jon Loo drew on his classical. Haha.

What do you reckon? It's drawn on cellophane tape by the way. As in I stuck tape on first, then drew over the tape. That way, when I get bored of it, or I find the inspiration, and the bloody time, to draw a new one, I can just take it off.

Yeh, see what happens when Chris is done with his tests?

I'm not usually this smug mind you, its just been poo-loads, and i really mean loads, of tests and studying, and my brain looks for painstakingly painstaking ways to unwind.

Ok. That's all for now. Later guys.

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