
At the Beginning

of a remarkable project known as Earth, it was a bit of a mess. A bit of matter here, some particles there.

And a word.

Collisions, a spark; the word took on form, took on flesh. It brought form and function to stray photons; it brought light. It brought purpose into a heap of rubble, so that it was no longer debris, but a space filled with life. Life that took form in the tallest of trees, drinking from the earth and rinsing the heavens; the smallest of prokaryotes, thousands of miles beneath the ocean, shifting through molten lava and frozen rock.

And there was life that reflected the word. Life that bore the image of the word that gave it purpose.

The word saw everything it had done.

The word was God.


All of it.

"Very good."



Calm down

Deep breaths.

I was late for my prac this morn-

Ok, I think I'll start where it all started.

I went over to Greg's place last night... to play dota. You know... that thing used to be worth driving down to damai and skipping classes for? That thing that I haven't touched since... that time during A levels? Yeh. Bunch of scary looking characters, running around beating up trees and ghouls and each other...

Well, we played til 3.30 AM because we kept losing. I woke up at 8 today, ready for my 10 AM prac. Almost. Except that I woke up again at 10.15... like omgomgomgomgomg, I reached the redmond barry building at 10.30. And I was told to come back and try my luck again at 2. If some unlucky soul misses his/her prac, I get pretty much get 10 free marks, just for making the prac. I got my 10 free marks. Well, maybe 10, depending on how the test went.

Anyway. The point is, there's a lesson to be learnt here. Don't play dota.

Ok. So I'm at Winston's place now, no, not playing dota (yet). He cooked dinner.


You know that sea cucumber soup that you get in expensive chinese restaurants? Yeh. And lamb chops man. Good stuff.

(Yes... I wrote that because I know you'll read it Winston... cheeky manipulative ass I am)

Yeh, so, Aun's getting married tomorrow. Woohoo! Congrats to Aun and Leanne. Also there's an Anzac memorial service tomorrow at 6 AM I think. And I think I will be there (yeh, and I couldn't make it for a 10 o'clock class...)

Hmm. I think that's all for tonight folks. This is Chris signing off...

to play a round of dota before bed. XD

Later guys!

Much love,


Nice and easy

Ok, I'm gonna make a start.

There's a huge gap from where I last left off, and I have no intention of filling that in. In detail.

So uhm, holiday, fun, sun, back to uni, omg, omg, uni, and then easter break, easter camp (rocked) and then uni started again, and then Jason Mraz.

I'll start there. Jason Mraz was amazing. He's come a long way, and you can see the experience in his staging. And yes that opera bit was totally wtf, I was just blown away. Good stuff.

Moving on. Had heaps of tests. Now I don't. WOOO.

None for the rest of the week that is.

I drew on Coraline, my acoustic guitar. Check it out:

Tried to get a rough idea of what to draw. I intended to do a couple of sketches and pick the best one, but it was massively time-consuming, so I just stuck with the first thing I drew.

Coraline before.

Coraline after.

- edit: I was inspired to draw on my guitar because... Jon Loo drew on his classical. Haha.

What do you reckon? It's drawn on cellophane tape by the way. As in I stuck tape on first, then drew over the tape. That way, when I get bored of it, or I find the inspiration, and the bloody time, to draw a new one, I can just take it off.

Yeh, see what happens when Chris is done with his tests?

I'm not usually this smug mind you, its just been poo-loads, and i really mean loads, of tests and studying, and my brain looks for painstakingly painstaking ways to unwind.

Ok. That's all for now. Later guys.

A New Day

Today is a new day.

Yesterday is gone.

Tomorrow is yet to come.

But today begins the rest of my life.

Fueledbymaggi is live folks. Here's to a good year, strong relationships, and pure awesomeness.
